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(in association with the Rosalind Franklin Society, New York)



Rosalind Elsie Franklin (1920-1958) was a pioneer in the field of Molecular Biology, and it was through her sheer hard work and contribution that the double helical nature of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) was discovered. The award is dedicated to the life and works of this inspirational woman, and is given to girls for excellence shown in academic writing. This unique KYTOS competition will take place each year, providing an essay title that poses an interesting biological question. The winning essay will not only show a flair for Biology, but a comprehensive understanding of the issue being discussed.



The winning essays from First Year and Second Year will be published below and sent to the Rosalind Franklin Institute in the US!


Overall winner (First Year):   TBC

Overall winner (Second Year):   TBC







2025 Essay Title:  

‘Science and everyday life cannot, and should not be separated'.


Rosalind Franklin, 1940

Click to read essay
Click to read essay

TBC January 2025 - follow @KYTOS_Biology on 'X' for updates

Who can enter? 


The Rosalind Franklin Award is open to students across both year groups.


How long should the essay be?


The essay should be up to 1500 words (not including references). Any submissions that exceed this limit will be penalised.


What are the prizes?


The Rosalind Franklin Society, based in New York, have fully endorsed our award and will not only publish the winning essay on their website, but as a main feature in their global newsletter. The recipient will be recognised in a dedicated college awards event, and presented with a book token of substantial value. Furthermore, the essay will be published live on the KYTOS website in recognition of the fantastic achievement. 


How will the essays be judged?


All entries will be marked by members of the Biology department, and scored out of 10 in each of the four key areas; scientific content, breadth, relevance and quality of written communication. The student who scores the highest out of 40 shall win the award. In the event of a tie, the Principal will be asked for her input.


What are the judges looking for?


– Essays which interpret the title in a creative way. 

– Essays that demonstrate a good knowledge of the underlying science, and that use references to back up their arguments. 

– Essays that are well structured and develop their arguments clearly.


* Any essay submitted without references will not be considered.


In no way should any of the essay content be plagiarised. 

If you need help with how to reference sources used, download the KYTOS Guide here:



When is the closing date?


The deadline for entries is TBC (usually the start of summer term). Results of the competition will be released soon after that date. 


How to enter


Once you have written your essay and added any references, please email it to as a word or PDF attachment. In your email, please include your full name and year group.


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